SPSS Syntax File

SPSS Syntax File

Version: 1,0
Encoding: UTF-8 with byte order mark
Note: The working directory must contain the data file (sav)

	{0}: directory separator
	{1}: data file directory
	{2}: data file name
	{3}: $

* Set the working directory and data file name.
file handle dataDir
	/name '{1}'.
file handle inputSpss
	/name 'dataDir{0}{2}.sav'.

* Set options.
set unicode on decimal dot olang=english.

* Escape reserved xml characters.
define !clean(var=!tokens(1))
	compute !var=ltrim(rtrim(!var)).
	compute !var=replace(!var, '&', '&').
	compute !var=replace(!var, '<', '<').
	compute !var=replace(!var, '>', '>').
	compute !var=replace(!var, "'", ''').
	compute !var=replace(!var, '"', '"').

* Create dictionary file.
define !dictionary(subtype=!tokens(1))
get file 'inputSpss'.
	/select tables
	/if subtypes=[!subtype]
	/destination format=sav outfile='dataDir{0}dictionary.sav' viewer=no.
	display dictionary.

* Create dummy variable with metadata.
get file 'inputSpss'.
compute absoluteDum=1.
alter type absoluteDum(f1).
variable labels absoluteDum 'Nothing'.
value labels absoluteDum 1 'Nothing'.
missing values absoluteDum(1).
save outfile 'inputSpss'.

* Create file with all code lists.
* NB: Dummy decimals are added to all code values, if a code value has decimals somewhere.
!dictionary subtype='variable values'.
get file 'dataDir{0}dictionary.sav'
	/keep var1 var2 label
	/rename var1=varName var2=val label=valLabel.
alter type varName(a64) val valLabel(a32767).
sort cases by varName val valLabel.
!clean var=val.
!clean var=valLabel.
alter type val valLabel(amin).
save outfile 'dataDir{0}code_lists.sav'.

* Map variable to code list.
get file 'dataDir{0}code_lists.sav'.
string compare(a32767).
compute casenum={3}casenum.
sort cases by varName.
compute rep=1.
* Count codes.
if lag(varName) eq varName rep=1+lag(rep).
sort cases by varName(d) rep(d).
compute codeCount=rep.
* Store maximum code count in variable.
if lag(varName) eq varName codeCount=lag(codeCount).
sort cases by varName val valLabel.
* Concatenate code and value.
compute compare=concat(val, valLabel).
compute lengthCompare=length(compare).
do if lag(varName) eq varName.
	do if lag(compare)=''.
		compute compare=''.
		compute lengthCompare=length(compare)+length(lag(compare)).
		do if lengthCompare le 32767.
			* Concatenate all codes and values into one string.
			compute compare=concat(lag(compare), compare).
			compute compare=''.
		end if.
	end if.
end if.
* Select string to compare.
select if rep eq codeCount and compare ne ''.
* Link the unique code list to variables.
sort cases by compare.
string varName_(a64).
compute varName_=varName.
if lag(compare) eq compare varName_=lag(varName_).
alter type varName_(amin).
sort cases by varName.
save outfile 'dataDir{0}variable_to_code_list.sav'
	/keep varName varName_.

* Remove redundant code lists.
match files file 'dataDir{0}code_lists.sav'
	/by varName.
compute keep=1.
if varName ne varName_ keep=0.
select if keep=1.
save outfile 'dataDir{0}unique_code_lists.sav'.

!dictionary subtype='variable information'.
get file 'dataDir{0}dictionary.sav'
	/keep var1 writeformat
	/rename var1=varName writeformat=varFormat.
alter type varName(a64) varFormat(amin).
compute varFormat=lower(varFormat).
compute casenum={3}casenum.
sort cases by varName.
save outfile='dataDir{0}variable.sav'.
* Link variable to code list (if link exists).
get file 'dataDir{0}code_lists.sav'.
compute rep=1.
* Keep unique variable names.
if lag(varName)=varName rep=1+lag(rep).
select if rep eq 1.
sort cases by varName.
save outfile='dataDir{0}variable_has_code_list.sav'
	/keep varName.
* Add code list reference to variable list. 
match files file 'dataDir{0}variable.sav' /in=master
	/file='dataDir{0}variable_has_code_list.sav' /in=codeVar
	/file='dataDir{0}variable_to_code_list.sav' /in=codeListName
	/by varName.
string type(a1) variable(a32767).
alter type varFormat(a66).
* If variable has a code list, overwrite variable format with variable or code list name.
compute type=char.substr(varFormat, 1, 1).
if codeVar eq 1 varFormat=concat(varName_, '.').
if codeVar eq 1 and type eq 'a' varFormat=concat('{3}', varFormat).
compute variable=concat(ltrim(rtrim(varName)), ' ', ltrim(rtrim(varFormat))).
sort cases by casenum.
select if varName ne 'absoluteDum'.
alter type variable(amin).
delete variables casenum varName varName_ type varFormat master codeVar codeListName.
* Note: Trailing spaces included in output lines.
write outfile 'dataDir{0}{2}_VARIABEL.txt' /variable.

!dictionary subtype='variable information'.
get file 'dataDir{0}dictionary.sav'
	/keep var1 label
	/rename var1=varName label=varLabel.
alter type varName(a64) varLabel(a32767).
* If label is empty, use default value.
if varLabel='<none>' varLabel='n.a.'.
!clean var=varLabel.
alter type varLabel(amin).
string varDescription(a32767).
compute varDescription=concat(ltrim(rtrim(varName)), concat(" '", ltrim(rtrim(varLabel)), "'")).
select if varName ne 'absoluteDum'.
alter type varDescription(amin).
* Note: Trailing spaces included in output lines.
write outfile 'dataDir{0}{2}_VARIABELBESKRIVELSE.txt' /varDescription.

get file 'dataDir{0}unique_code_lists.sav'.
string varRef codeList(a32767).
compute codeList=concat('"', "'", ltrim(rtrim(val)), "'", concat(" '", ltrim(rtrim(valLabel)), "'"), '"').
if lag(varName) ne varName varRef=concat('"', ltrim(rtrim(varName)), '"').
select if varName ne 'absoluteDum'.
alter type codeList varRef(amin).
write outfile 'dataDir{0}temp.txt' /1 varRef /2 codeList.
get data
	/variables=codeList A.
select if codeList ne ''.
alter type codeList(amin).
* Note: Trailing spaces included in output lines.
write outfile 'dataDir{0}{2}_KODELISTE.txt' /codeList.

!dictionary subtype='variable information'.
get file 'dataDir{0}dictionary.sav'
	/keep var1 missingvalues
	/rename var1=varName missingvalues=missing.
alter type varName(a64) missing(amin).
sort cases by varName.
save outfile 'dataDir{0}user_defined_missing_values.sav'.
* Remove missing values from redundant code lists.
match files file 'dataDir{0}user_defined_missing_values.sav'
	/by varName.
compute keep=1.
if varName ne varName_ keep=0.
select if keep=1.
* Format user-defined missing values.
select if char.length(missing) gt 0.
compute missing=replace(missing, '"', '').
compute missing=replace(missing, ',', '').
!clean var=missing.
alter type missing(amin).
string varMissing(a32767).
compute varMissing=concat(ltrim(rtrim(varName)), " '", replace(ltrim(rtrim(missing)), ' ', "' '"), "'").
select if varName ne 'absoluteDum'.
alter type varMissing(amin).
* Note: Trailing spaces included in output lines.
write outfile 'dataDir{0}{2}_BRUGERNULLVÆRDI.txt' /varMissing.

* Delete temporary content (in file and on disk).
get file 'inputSpss'.
save outfile 'inputSpss'
	/drop absoluteDum.
erase file='dataDir{0}dictionary.sav'.
erase file='dataDir{0}code_lists.sav'.
erase file='dataDir{0}variable_to_code_list.sav'.
erase file='dataDir{0}unique_code_lists.sav'.
erase file='dataDir{0}variable.sav'.
erase file='dataDir{0}variable_has_code_list.sav'.
erase file='dataDir{0}user_defined_missing_values.sav'.
erase file='dataDir{0}temp.txt'.

Note: Write variable names on the first line
Note: Write text qualifier only if data contain the delimiter
Note: Escape a double quote in string data with a double quote and double quoting of the whole string
Note: Null values in numeric variables are presented as space
Note: User-defined missing values are presented "as is" (either number or string value)

define !export(outfile=!tokens(1))
get file !QUOTE(!CONCAT(dataDir, '{0}', !outfile, '.sav')).
save translate outfile=!QUOTE(!CONCAT(dataDir, '{0}', !outfile, '.csv'))
	/textoptions delimiter=';' qualifier='"' decimal=dot format=variable
!export outfile={2}.

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